Welcome to the blog for Prof. John Talbird's English 101 class. The purpose of this site is two-fold: 1) to continue the conversations we start in class (or to start those conversations BEFORE we get to class) and 2) to practice our writing/reading on a weekly basis in an informal forum.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Last Day

The last day of class was a new experience to me. I enjoyed listening to all you guys. it was nice to be in this class and i wish you all luck on the finals and on your future classes and college experience. Take care Y'all.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

The Bosnia List

For those of you who finished reading the book, my last question is what's your favorite part of The Bosnia List?. You can summarized or quote it, but you have to put the authors last name and the page. 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

No Mans Land

"No Mans Land" was everything but predictable, I thought both soldiers would unite to end the war and  the soldier who's body was place over the bomb would be set free and have the opportunity to reunite with the lady in the picture.I wish the movie ended differently because it was interesting until the soldiers decided to shoot at each other to death, that scene definitely spoiled the movie for me personally.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Today's class

Today everyone in class read out loud some things they wrote. I personally wrote a poem and so did some of my other classmates I have to say that a lot of you guys are really talented. Maybe the professor should try to include more poetry with his next EN 101 semesters. You never know who write poetry and who is really talented until you complete this last assignment. I enjoyed this assignment and really wish we could've did more assignments like this throughout the semester.

The 5/13/15 class (Tomorrow's class)

Im exited to see how our last day of class will turn on. I'm exited about sharing stories or essays in class and most important exited about the food. haha :D

Movie in Class

The other day we saw a movie in class and i left with something from it. i felt bad towards the man left behind. i feel like they should've done something else or in the worse case be with him until he dies. it was really sad seen the camera going up at the end and the mans still with the boom under him. just wanted to put my opinion up there. Any comments are welcome.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

leaving class

Leaving this class and finishing up this semester I am really confident In my writing and sharing it with others. I feel like I am growing in the English department. I now like helping others with papers I feel like I brought back my creative side that i once had. I also made a friend this semester which is strange to me because I'm not a open person I am shy and like sticking to myself but this class brought me out of this I don't know if It because we did group critiques or because we often have open class discussion. I don't know what to expect with EN 102 because I know every professor is different I actually wish you taught EN 102 you are like one of my favorite professors. What I think I should do differently is get out of my comfort zone when it comes to my writing.  Something I would've changed in this class was the books we read well the first book. I also feel like we should 've did more poetry or free writes in class.  Overall I really enjoyed this semester.

I think I messed something up.

So I've been staring at my essay for an hour now, and I don't know how I could fix it. I think I started off good, but then lost sight of what I was doing. If any one wants to give me advice I'll try to take it but I do't think I have enough time to finish it.

"The Testing Standard

In my time as a high school student I didn't bother to question why we took test. It seemed like a given that we would have to take them. In my experience with standardized test they would start off with roughly 40~70 multiple choice questions. Followed by an essay question. Now while I didn't question why we took these standardized tests in high school, whilst I'm in college I've started to wonder.

Standardized tests are a poor means of measuring student progress, and shouldn't be used as such because they can not measure a persons potential, or ascertain how resourceful a student can be, or tell if a student can apply their knowledge to real world problems. They can however establish a national standard, which could allow schools to be compared to one another. This means that educates could show students what subjects they need to improve on.

Whilst I was researching the subject of standardized testing I discovered a couple of things. First I learned that standardized tests are universally shunned by educators. Second I learned that educational policy makers are relying heavily on standardized testing to make decision that could potentially cost teachers their jobs, cut a school's funding, or even get schools shut down.

To talk more about that first part I'll give a little more background as to where these test come from. Back in 2001 Gorge W. Bush passed the “No Child Left Behind” act of 2001. What NCLB did was create a system were schools do poorly if student don't make “acquitted progress” in proficient levels.

That second part has me concerned. It seems a bit backwards. Instead of providing financial support to schools with low test scores, the policy makers would cut the funding leaving the school to rot. It's like they think this is a game of poker and schools with low scores are bad hands to be folded. This attitude towards the test gives them very high-stakes.

A major affect of the high-stakes these tests hold, is having teachers being forced to teach a certain way. It is my understanding, that they are “given a strict teaching scheduled by the board of education”. A scheduled that prevents them from adapting their teaching to help student. Educator don't have the time to help students if they want to get through the curriculum they are given. Teachers who take time to help the student fall behind in the teaching schedule, and enviable rush the later parts of it. This means that students who can't keep up with the pace of the curriculum are unprepared for the test at the end of the semester. (John McCabes memories unspecified time and place)

I better attitude to use with these test would be to provide schools that have low scores financial support they need to improve the scores. This would make it so that teaches don't have to stress over their jobs."

That's all I have so far. I'm problable gonna hand it in as is since it's better then handing in nothing.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Bosnia List Reading

The Bosnia List Reading was really interesting. It was really nice to meet Kenan Trebinevic and get to hear his personal experiences that he went through in making the book. It felt engaging to actually hear from the author himself that wrote the Bosnia list. Great event overall !

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Kenan Trebincevic

The presentation with Kenan Trebincevic was great. He said he is a man that probably still holds grudge. He said somethings that were not mentioned in the book which was very intresting.

class reading

Class reading starts this Wednesday, but I'm doing a story about my trip to Lake George. I want to do it because traveling stories are interesting for the audience. Can you tell your traveling story in class? if not, you can tell a fictional story or a dream that you had or make something creative or amusing so that the classmate will entertain it.

Question for class tomorrow

It says on the syllabus that the W A W assignment is due tomorrow. Does anyone know what that assignment is?

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Finishing Up

For the last week of the blog (5/10-16), I'd like you to make some final comments about your learning in the class. What do you think you have taken away from the course? What information? What skills? What friendships have you made and why? What do you expect to learn in EN-102? Also, what do you think I should do differently? What would you have liked to do less of? More of? What should we stop doing? What would you have liked to do instead?

Also, you should post about the class readings on Wed. What readings did you like best? How did you like reading your own work?

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Kenan's presentation

I wasn't able to make it to his presentation. Did any of you attend? How was it! Did he get emotional at some points? 

today's class

Today in class we spoke briefly on the whole them leaving the man in the ditch on laying on the bomb and to tell each side that the other side has it so that they can bomb it. I couldn't really understand why they did that. Until i realized that, that wouldve been the best choice. If im not mistaking someone in the movie said by them not doing nothing they are not being neutral I don't understand that how is them doing what they did choosing a side because technically they didn't choose a side they kind of just left the situation alone. Which is probably the best choice they could've made because imagine if they would've picked a side the war probably would've still been going on.

Monday, May 4, 2015

One Man's Land

The movie we've watched today was overall intense. It really did leave questions in my head regarding"Cera" (if I'm correct) in what really ended up happening to him..

Sunday, May 3, 2015

May 13 assignment

I Don't know about you guys but I am super excited on the assignment that is due this day. I love writing poetry and that's something that nobody knows about me. I am usually shy when it comes to reading my work out loud or reading my poems to someone in general. I like to keep that side of me to myself. I will be reading something that everyone in class can relate to the death of a family member I really hope you guys enjoy.

No Man's Land and finishing up w/ The Bosnia List

As we watch No Man's Land this week, I'd like us to think about how Danis Tanovic's film gives us a different view of the Yugoslavian Civil War than Trebincevic's book does. Trebincevic is a Bosnian Muslim. Tanovic is also Bosnian, but not Muslim. How does his view of the Civil war differ from Trebencevic's?

This is a war story instead of, like The Bosnia List, a family story. How are the two sides--the Bosnians and the Serbs presented? How does Tanovic explain the conflict to his audience, people elsewhere in the world who may not understand the intricacies of the war? What is the role of the news reporter in this story? The UN troops? The United Nations troops w/ the blue helmets were "observers" in the conflict and weren't supposed to take sides. What does Tanovic seem to be saying about neutrality? What did you make of the conclusion of the film? How might you compare that scene to the scene that Kenan has with Petra's daughter and grandson in her apartment in Ch. 12 of The Bosnia List.

This film is a satire and an anti-war film. Satire uses humor to make fun of real-world events. It shows us how certain events/attitudes in the world are absurd. How is satire used in this film? What is the message (or messages)? What does the film seem to be saying about this war and war in general? Does it have anything to say about Serbia or ethnic cleansing?

Saturday, May 2, 2015

The Bosnia List

After reading ch. 10, I realized that everybody has their own problem but sometimes people does not understand that. What Kenan was thinking about his cousin Amela its became totally opposite. Kenan was angry toward Amela because she didn't really contract with him. When Kenans mother passed away Amela called and asked when you are coming back to Bosnia? He replied Never!( Kenan 245)
In chapter 10 what Kenan discussed this is not just with him only but sometimes we face too.

Bosnia list

After coming too quite the end of the bosnia list, I realized I enjoyed this book much more then the book by henry miller. This book is easier to follow along with because it has a plot. The thoughts seemed to be very organized, then just thrown on the paper. Compared to henry millers book, where there didn't seem too have much of a plot. Henry millers thoughts didn't seem to be organized too well, too me it seemed like whatever kind of hit him at the time that's what he wrote down. There was no smooth transition like the bosnia list has.

Bosnia list

After reading chapter 10, when Kenan was trying too get to know his cousins I was honestly touched. He was trying to catch up for the nine years that he had missed. I found it so adorable when kenan was shopping with his cousin for coats and boots so she can be kept warm in the very cold conditions in bosnia.
However, I also like kenans perspective on how his life would have been different if he had went with Amela. I like how he explained that his brother eldin could have been a solider and how things could have been really different then how his life is now.

Friday, May 1, 2015

the Bosnia list chapter 9

 "Someday when I not around, it'll be documented for you and your kids." ( Trebincevic and Shapiro  470). That part make me emotional because kenan's mom told him to write a story about the tough experience in Bosina and he didn't care. Although, after the death of his mother, he wrote  this memoir and published, so that future readers will read it. If his mother still alive, she'll be proud of him. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

I'd like some help with assignment 4

I'm at a point were I'm certain my essay won't be done on time, so I'd like to get some help from you guys for the personal source. My essay is on standardized testing and I'd like to hear/read you opinions about it.
I'm going to give the description from my essay I give standardized testing to give you an idea of what it is. I'd also like to know if you guys think if its a good description or not.

 "Standardized test start off with roughly 40~70 multiple choice questions, followed by an essay question."

(Examples are the regents exams, the S.A.T.s, the G.E.D test ect..)

My questions are "Do you think we should be using standardized tests? why/why not?"

one last thing what do you guys think about my current working thesis statement?

 "Standardized tests are an unreliable means of measuring student progress, and shouldn't be used as such because they can not measure a persons potential, or ascertain what support a student might need, or even accurately measure what a student knows. While these test can be used to help get a general idea of what person might know, they can't get the full picture without the context of who the person is."

Monday, April 27, 2015

I think this was a good class today. I liked the idea of presenting various questions for
Kenan Trebincevic and the research paper. There were also a lot of good debates which I found intresting.

Finishing up w/ The Bosnia List

Since Kenan Trebincevic is speaking here next week (at the HRC, 3 pm sharp), I'd like us to think about possible questions we might ask him about his book and his experience. We'll spend some time on Monday brainstorming this too. A couple that I have:

It seems that his mother really connected to Schindler's List. I wonder if any films have come out since the Yugoslavian civil war which he feels do justice to his people's suffering.

The family photographs take on a resonant symbolism in the memoir, especially b/c of the images in the middle of the book. I wonder what he thinks the significance and importance of photos are for him.

Sports, health and athleticism have played important parts in his book and also in his life. I'd like to hear him talk about what he thinks the importance of sports are both personally and nationally.

What do you think about these questions? What questions would you like to ask him?

due date for the last assignment

Somebody please correct me if i am wrong but our last assignment is not technically due Wednseday 4/29 right? We could hand it in later on in May?

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Geoup critics

Last week my group critics was helpful, at least i got my story from group. First i was struggle to find the story than my Grup unformed me about a movie.

assignment 4

I'm having a hard time of writing a 5 page assignment... i was wondering if i can put images in this assignment

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Today's class critique on assign. 4

Today's class critique on the final draft was no help. In the other days we had to couple critique random essays were the same results. Instead of getting advice and suggestions on what to improve on or add on, my paper is being pointlessly questioned about irreverent things that doesn't help me at all on how I can improve. Not to mention the horrible handwriting which is pointless to read..

Class Work

Last monday we did a little of reading and talked about the book. i like the way we all got involved and participated on class. the professor also gave some structure for the assuagement #4 witch i found really helpful. looking forward to todays group critic and see how else can i get help with this essay. having a hard time due to the fact that its longer than all the other essays we've done, but hope to find my way to the end.

Monday, April 20, 2015

assignment 4

I am finding that i am struggling to figure out a topic to write about. I had a couple of ideas but all of them seem to broad. I was going to do racial profiling but a lot of things popped up when I typed it in. Than I decided to do something I can relate to a lil bit more. I am confident About my topic now.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

The Bosnia List- Kena's Vengeance

When Kenan describes the place and the people who turned their back on him; I realized that Kenan's vengeance did not came from his own hand but from destiny. The same people who did bad, they ended up creating their own misery.

The Bosnia List: Going Back

I'd like to spend some time this week discussing what it's like for Kenan when he returns to Bosnia. What is his attitude going back? What kind of story does his list tell us? Why does he almost get into a fight with Slobodan near the cafes? How did he betray Kenan's mom's kindness twice (p. 158)? How do Kenan's father and his brother behave differently in Bosnia when they return? And why? Which do you think you would behave like if you had been treated this way in your home town? Or do you think you would behave in an entirely different manner?

Bosnia list

In the beginning of chapter six Eldin, Kenan and there dad go to the cemetery. Kenan wanted to go and visit Peros grave so he could spit on his grave. Yet, when kenan gets there he doesn't. He said it seemed like a very immature thing to do. I agree with that, if he did spit on Pero's grave then he would be very immature, yet he was the bigger person and did something that was right.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Bosnia List: ch. 6

In the Bosnia List ch. 6 pp (159) I felt it's funny when he said, it was the last time he had fight with his brother Eldin when he kicked his balls and Eldin threw him on the floor. ha ha! we  all have some kind of funny childhood  history  which makes us laugh sometimes. I remember my one childhood fight with my older brother who is three years older than me but we were about same height. I forgot how older I was but I remember in those time I was learning how to prayer. once I was practicing my prayer and he pulled down my pajama while I was praying than I jumped on him started huge  fight until my parents stopped us.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Topics of discussion

I've been wondering what are some other topics we can discuss on the blog. I'd rather not be limited to discussing the assigned books. So if anyone wants to strike up a good discussion, it would be a welcome distraction.

The Bosnia List Ch.5

In the Bosnia List ch. 5 pp (115-129) I really liked the chapter where he mentioned the scary story with Daca and her husband Boban. His total family was afraid of this situation and they were thinking that, this is that last time of there life. Kenan and his mom really played an important role on this situation to calm down the blond lady, which brought the chance to get candy for him and coffee for his mom. Even though, there valuable belongings were stolen by her so quietly but she kept them safe. I can imagine how terrible was there situation when they did not have electricity, running water, and enough food, as well as could not get a chance to hang outside but after long time they got to eat something and drink coffee. Although, there properties were being stolen but anyway they would had to lose it beacuse they would not live there.      

Thursday, April 9, 2015

President Obama in Jamaica

President Obama visited Jamaica for the first time. He visited the historic Bob Marley museum and told the Jamaica people he always wanted to visit the Bob Marley museum ever since he was a teenager. President Obama also learned Jamaican broken English otherwise known as 'patois'. He was greeted by cheer, applause, and love.

question regarding the sylibious

question... what do you guys think professor Talbird meant on the sylibious  "read chap. 4 and 5 in Trebincevic" ?

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

School bullying

In your opinion, do you think bullying should be prohibit in NYC public schools? And why teachers, principals, and faculty staffs don't help the students due to bullying?

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Assignment 3 grades

Does anyone know if we will get our grades back through email, before the brake is over? I'm curious, and I forgot to ask after class.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Bias in Reporting and Making an Argument

As you read the articles that I asked you to read for this week, I'd like you to think about what the different political biases are that are being expressed and how you know this. You might quote directly from them to support your own argument. Also, since we'll be writing an argumentative essay for our last assignment, I'd like you to say if any of these articles are making an argument. Which one(s)?

For your convenience, here are the three articles:




Sick of this bi-polar weather !

This weather has been very bi-polar lately. Yesterday there was snow, and now today there is sunshine. I just hope that we can get a string of days of great weather. I'm ready for the Summer. Winter has gone on way too long now to the point where I'm sick of the cold, and sick of the snow. Bring on the sun, beach, and 90 degree weather.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Bosnia list

“Luka, the river port where I liked to play, had been turned into a concentration camp. So Muslim and Catholic prisoners were what Obren was guarding now. And Partizan Sports Hall became a slaughterhouse for Bosniak and Croat boys and men. On the wooden floor where I’d kicked and somersaulted, my people were being gunned down by Pero and his comrades their bodies left on the ground in pools of blood. In the gym’s bathroom, where I showered, Serbs were slashing necks and blowing heads apart. The dead were stored on the outdoor basketball courts where I shot hoops, until frozen meat trucks came to take the rotting flesh away. If we’d gone to the gym as usual, we would have been murdered and loaded onto a truck” (Trebincevic and Shapiro 117-118) that part is quite of a shock because the narrator's childhood place where he took karate classes and won his brown belt has turned into hell. His karate coach "Pero" has turn into an enemy because he's on the Serbian side. The consertration camp that the narrator describes, it kind of remind me of the holocaust when the nazis send the Jews to a consentration camp and tortured them deadly.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Assignment 3

I'm slightly confused about the whole concept of the assignment 3. I understand how we're supposed to be writing about a place we traveled to but how exactly do incorporate 2 secondary sources. From my understanding i'm guessing it's to provide additional details about the place & its geography. Someone please correct me if i'm wrong.

The Bosnia List Kenan ' s mother

Kenan and his dad went go red cross to get food for his mother to cook. The serb soldiers already seized control of the donated supplies and made him and his father stand in a separate line. When they were finally able to get food the notice the soldiers gave them old spoiled food. Kenan and his father began to express their anger. Kenan stated "I want all the serbs to die". His mother yelled at him saying don't wish that on nobody she didn't raise him that way. I notice that his mother is a kind women who sees the good in everyone. Even though they are treating her people the way they are she is still teaching her son the its not nice to wish anything like that on anybody. She always mention god alot because she has faith that he will save them. Even though everyone else lost faith in god. This shows how independent she is because she is caring hope for her family in a way. By not showing anger and rage towards the situation.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

The Bosnia List

Trebincevic writes, "In the censured (sic--I think he means 'censored'), Serbian-created version of Balkan history I was taught at school in Brcko, the Serbs portrayed themselves as defenders of the peace or innocent victims. During the 1992 war, power-hungry politicians had played on the Old World distortion that we (Muslims) were aggressors like the ancient Turks or modern militant Islamicists, using that illusion to justify ethnocide" (66). Later, in the USA, a neighbor asks Kenan's mother what she thinks of Osama Bin Laden. If you're a non-Muslim, how is this book changing your view of modern-day Muslims, if at all. If you're a Muslim, what part(s) of Kenan's experience strike a familiar chord for you? Were you taught a "censored" view of history in school? If you went to school in the US, how much did you learn about slavery? About how the first American settlers from Europe treated the Native Americans? About how Americans put Japanese-American citizens in internment camps during WWII? What other stories do you feel were misrepresented to you as a child?

Friday, March 20, 2015

The Bosnia List

I got  "The Bosnia List" from Amazon this Wednesday  in cheap price. If anyone still need to buy this book, I would recommend Amazon. You can open your Amazon Prime account free for six months which is great deal, and free shipping within 2 days. So far I read this book it's heart touching history. I wondered by looking on his childhoods picture which is in the middle of the book! How he was able to collect and and save them until this book was published?.

Assignment #2

Prof. John.
For the rewrites i was wondering if i can rewrite assignment #2 and bring it to you on Monday.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

The bosnia List

After reading chapter two, I honestly think that Kenan should take his father back to Bosnia. He's very ill and he just wants to go back to visit his fathers grave and visit some of his family back home. I think that Kenan should put his thoughts about Bosnia and the war behind him and just do one thing that his father wants to do before he passes away.

New Challenge!!! - Make a small poem.

I John McCabe Hereby challenge my peers, and professor to make a poem before next Wednesday.

Hear is my contribution:

   "This class is alright,
    All my peers are bright,
    Yet  the teacher gives topics I fight."

(*the poems don't need to be small)
(*you can make more then one if you want)

                                                                        Have Fun!

Feeling great

Assignment 3 coming along great this time.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Group Critics

      Group critics are pretty interesting and helpful because we get a chance to see some others writings and someone sees mine one too . we get feed back from others and some corrections too. I personally like this because it's give me chance to get different kind of idea from different writing; therefore, sometimes I feel to write like this way and sometimes I feel silly. Today i read one essay by picking up from the table, that was great essay and that's really helped me to think about my essay. Also, some one gave me feedback on my essay and corrected some errors, that helped me. When we do group critics with four or five, face to face that's also helpful but it's bad for my group because most them are lazy. after reading essay everybody say "Yeah, good, add more details" what is this? Is it should be group critics? but i heard from some other group they were discussing deeply and taking time to explain! so i feel my group should be more active and focus............    

Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Bosnia List

As we start this memoir, there are several questions that I have:

  • Why is it significant that the Serb flag has four S's which stand for "Only Unity Saves the Serbs" (28)?
  • What does the word "nationalism" mean to you and have you ever seen it in action? 
  • Why is it significant when the soldier asks Kenan if he's Bosnian, Yugoslavian, or Muslim?
  • How is Kenan different from his Serb or Croat classmates and neighbors? 
What questions do you have as you read?

I want to give you all a heads up: The author of The Bosnia List, Kenan Trebincevic, will give a talk at the QCC Holocaust Resource Center on May 6th from 3-5. Anyone who goes and writes a one-page response will get extra credit, equal to a week's worth of the blog.

The bosnia list

After reading the prologue and chapter 1 of the bosnia list this book has already caught my attention. I happen to like this book better than the book by henry miller. This book has a plot compared to the book by henry miller that didn't have too much of a plot. So far so good with the Bosnia list, and I can't wait to read more and finds out what happens.

Henry & June

From watching the movie Henry and June and reading the book written by henry miller I feel that the henry miller I had envisoned in the book was similar to the henry in the movie. The henry miller In the book and the henry miller in the movie both had similar perspectives on how they viewed the world. However, I never envisoned henry miller as a very angry and violent person as he was in the movie.
In the movie henry and June my perspective changed of Anais throughout the movie. In the beginning of the movie I viewed her as a very innocent person. However, that quickly changed after she met henry miller. After Anais met henry miller she became very sexually involved. She didn't only become sexually involved with one person, but she had multiple partners. Almost in a way she used sex to manipulate people to get what she wanted and desired most.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Henry and June

from this movie we have so many things to learn, what is really important for a strong relation between a man and woman. when I was watching this movie I really was focused because it was interesting and also I knew Prof. J Talbird might ask any question. ON this movie i was shocked about Anais that she was cheating with Hugo. But in the beginning i was confused that is Anais  was trying to satisfy her self or was trying to make Henry happy so she can get help from Henry about her Writing. After that i found Anais took Hugo to the whores House and was showing Homosexual in many styles, that purpose was to show Hugo how she wants to get it from Hugo. I also felt bad for June, she was working hard and chose a dirty job just to make Henry famous but  Henry took her wrong way; on the other hand, Anais was taking Henry away from June. So i felt June was kind of victim on this movie because no one didn't value her and Anais was using her to get different kind of experience. what do guys think about June?

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Homosexuality- Then, Now, and in the Ancient Past

I had been meaning to get peoples opinions on how the view of homosexuality has changed since ancient times. Back then It did not matter, weather you were strait, guy or bi. People just didn't make a big deal about what gender you slept with. Then at some point when the view of sex change to be only a method for procreation, you shunned, shamed, imprisoned, persecuted, beaten, tortured or even killed if you slept with someone of the same gender. It stayed that way up util relatively recently that the view of sex changed (and still is changing). My questions are what do you think caused these changes? Are the changes for better or for worse? And do you think the view of sex will change again in he future?

Essay report

Tomorrow our essays are due. writing this essay turned out to be harder than i thought. In this essay we were asked to do several things and it was more professional i would say. We had to do and interview which felt very professional and also had to do research. for a wile it felt like you worked for Daily Times or any other news system. It was harder, but it was a new experience to many of us. wish you the best for tomorrow just wanted to share the feeling.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Henry and June

Not sure about everyone else but with in the first 5 min of the movie I got a bad vibe from Anais. I was really annoyed when she lied to Hugo in the beginning about her and the man in the office "just kissing" . My dislike for her only grew more as the movie continued. However even though I believe Anais is out right wrong for her actions, I find Hugo to be very annoying in his own way as well. He seems VERY needy to be and more concerned about trying to be in control of the relationship (which he clearly is not) then making his wife happy.

Kenan Trebincevic

Hi all:

This essay about a dog was recently in the NY Times. It's written by the author of The Bosnia List, our next reading. Check it out:




Monday, March 9, 2015

Henry & June

Today in class we watched Henry & June film that took place in 1931, Paris. The main character is Anais Nin, who later meets Henry Miller (who is also the writer of The Colossus of Maroussi, that we are reading in class) and his wife June. Anais fell in love with both of them and she begins to experience sexuality with Henry and many other people besides her husband, Hugo. Anais Writes all her experiences in her diary, which she only share certain things to her husband. When Anais wrote about Henry in her diary, I can sense that she was very interested in him right form the begining. She said "He is just like me, but he doesn't know it yet." They have a lot of common interest and since they are both writers, they can relate to one another. Also, they are both interest in writing a book that deals with sexual intercourse. This really brings up the question regarding "why is Anais doing this?" "Henry doesn't like when June cheats on him with Pop, so why is he going to a prostitute house ? and having sex with Anais?" "Is Anais doing this to expand her experience of sex?" Anais and Henry have been hanging out a lot with each other and they believed they belong to each other and they fit well together. I disagree with this, I think Anais is just having fun with this new experience of freedom and she isn't really thinking much about her husband. I think she should stop what she is doing and care more about her husband. He works really hard so she can be a writer and provide her with money. At least she should be more considerate.

What do you guys think?

Quick question

Assignment 2 due today or Wednesday ?

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Brassai and Miller

Check out photos by the Hungarian-born photographer, Brassai, who appears as a character in Henry & June:


Do you recognize any of these photos from the film? What is the purpose of recreating these still images for a film which is composed of moving images?

Also, how does Henry & June capture the voice of Henry Miller, the writer, the person we've been spending the last few weeks with in The Colossus of Maroussi? How does Fred Ward's depiction of Miller live up to or contradict your idea of Miller the author?

Friday, March 6, 2015


with the work cited page i need help with everything.

Random Question

When you log into this blog, and you look at all of the posts as a list, some of them have a +1 next to it. Does anyone know what that means? Is that our grade?

Thursday, March 5, 2015

help me out

hey guys I'm a little confused where do i put the interview ? with my essay or with the research?

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Keeping Up

Hi everyone,

Just a short request, i was absent for class today and we had to bring our draft for the group critique. I would really appreciated if everyone of you guys could give me a quick sentence on What did i miss today? What was the class about? Is there anything new to bring in or something? anything you guys think i should know from todays class i would appreciated if you guys help me to keep up. Thanks

today's group critique

today's class was really helpful. Looking over other's essays gave me more ideas... I interviewed my Art prof. today, I  had a great time listening to her stories, her experiences and everything. We should do group critiques more often that way some of us will get better at writing papers.

Group Critiques

I like how for each assignment we have group critiques and in the beginning of the class we get to read another paper from a person in the class. The advice that has been given to me for these past two assignments have been really helpful. Although I don't think that the sheets that are given to us to fill out for the group critique is helpful, but being told verbally what needs to be improved or what I did good at is very helpful.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Occupational Website

Does anyone remember the website that the librarian gave us that shows us various information about our major such as the annual salary, what jobs you can get w/t that major etc. ?

Works Cited Page

In the citation style handbook it tell us how to do work cited on the wed, page nine. It is said we have to include the author name but an article i used does not have the name of the author. Is it ok to leave it out? Do i need to use another article?

Question about Assignment #2

Does anyone know how to get to that reference search page that we looked up in the computer class for assignment 2?

Sunday, March 1, 2015

I am kind of lost (pp. 123-124) from the last paragraph. What does Miller mean and what he is trying to say  by "That's memo the meemer. She's little and low, short of built..........................................................Locomotive make choo choo."

Henry Miller and Katsimbalis

At the end of the previous reading, Henry Miller interacted with a Greek shop owner and his French wife (pp. 119-120). After the space break and the asterisk, Miller seems to be talking to that French woman (who hates Greece b/c it's not "civilized" in the way that Paris is). He says, Madame, since you were speaking of gardens..." (121) and the next several pages, he writes in this vein until the top of p. 127 where he writes, "This is positively the end. Bink-bink!" What's going on here? What is he trying to tell this woman and why?

He tells a story to her about Agamemnon (remember last class: Miller went to that tomb w/ Katsimbalis) who gave birth to two sons, Epaminondas and Louis the Armstrong (121). Agamemnon never existed; he was a king in Greek legend. Epaminondas did exist; he was a Greek general. So did Louis Armstrong, though he was not Greek, but American, an African American trumpet player who is considered one of the godfather's of jazz. Check him out:




What does Louis Armstrong have to do w/ this Ancient Greek history and myth? How does Miller use the term "riff" (121) or "jam" (123)? What is "the golden torque"? What is the "Dipsy-Doodle"?

Friday, February 27, 2015

Critiquing assistance?

I've been really sick the past few days, and I missed the group critiques for assignment two. I'm posting some of my draft here; would a few of you critique it for me?  I'd appreciate it. 

" Since I was about eight or nine years old, I knew that I wanted to be a forensic scientist. Although at the time I wasn’t too familiar with that title; so I called them the “Law and Order people”, but I knew what I meant. All throughout middle school my focus shifted to and from all kinds of different careers, for silly reasons. By the end of the movie Go Figure I was certain that I would become a figure skater, but after some serious child-pondering, I found myself wanting to be a forensic scientist again. For a while, in seventh grade, I told people I wanted to be an interior designer so nobody would make fun of me for being a dork. My best friend wanted to be an interior designer, which is where I got the idea, but in truth; I found it to be the most uninteresting job that I'd ever  of. Though  I did so in secret, I still planned to  be a foensic scientist.

When I was in eleventh grade my chemistry teacher, Mr. Nicotri, tout a forensic science class for credit recovery. The class was part of a program in our school, called City Kids, that I  wasn't in. I don't remember how I found out about the class but I  remember going immediately to the woman every student  called, "the City Kids lady". I asked, and she made it pretty clear she had no intentions of letting me in the class. Not only was I not wasn't I in the program, but I didn't have any missing credits to
recover, which was the point of the class. Even still, I  kept asking for the class. She always said no and I  always kept asking. She even tried to change my mind by telling me it was an after school and Saturday class, but still I asked for it. Eventuality she told me she would put me in the class simply because I was the only person that had ever begged her for a Saturday class.

For the next six weeks I was the happiest kid ever. Even while trudging from mid-yonkers to Wall Street every Saturday morning.  I knew for sure then that I'd love a career as a forensic scientist, but that didn't stop m my mind from wondering.

Toward the end of senior year in high school I fell in love with writing. I  thought of becoming a writer for all of a few hours before I  realized that it was not for me.  The emotional state I needed to be in to produce a praise worthy piece of writing , wasn't one I wanted to  be in all the time. Thus, I decided my writing would be only a hobby, and yet again my attention had returned to  forensic science. "

Thanks  for reafing guys :)


The previous class, really helped me with assignment #2. In the beginning I was struggling as to where to go with the assignment, how to create a introduction. However, the timeline really helped me with understanding where I should go with this essay. Now, I have a better grasp as too where to go and how to do it. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Monday Someone Mention Crusades 2/23/2015

For those of you who do not know what that is; The Crusades where a series of holy wars, to gain control over the Holy Land.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


I like how we starred creating possible questions for the interview. I've never done an interview so i don't really know how to organize my self. i starred watching videos on the internet and i think it helped a bit. I'm a lil bit scared and exited at the time about the interview. part of that is because I'm already comfortable with my psychology teacher but also he know what type of student i am and he knows what to expect. Good luck to all on that. Feel free to talk about your interview planing process maybe it could help me. HELP! lmao

Monday, February 23, 2015

For anyone struggling..

I was struggling with assignment #2 at first, and a few other people said they were too. If anyone else is still struggling with it I think this might help..

The timeline we had to write today in class helps a lot. It's literally a personalized list of exactly what needs to be in our paper. Actually writing out the timeline also helps you see exactly where your research and your interview becomes relevant. This is what I did:

Write an initial timeline. Then, for each event you wrote on your timeline, write one or two sentences about what you're referring to and how it's relevant to the assignment. Let that be your outline.

Then develop your sentences into paragraphs and string them all together. This would be your draft. Then after group critiques and proofreading, you can develop your final.

This is what I'm doing and it makes the assignment seem easier to me.

Hope it helps guys.

Myth or Legacy?

In class we briefly spoke about what it means to be a geek god. Someone mentioned, the gods were "flawed like us". Hearing that made me think a little more about Greek mythology in itself.

In my opinion, Greek "mythology" has one of the most realistic views of what a god, or gods, might be. Every religion or faith has its own unrealistic components, including Atheism. For me, Greek mythology is a bit more understandable than some religions. This is not to say that everything the Greeks believed in was completely accurate, but just to agree with their view of the gods themselves. Imperfect men and women, as a reflection of their own imperfect Gods and Goddesses. This is the only belief system that, to my knowledge, does not include at least some miner form of sexism. I appreciate that women of their faith are powerful figures. 

Although the literal meaning of myth is not false or untrue, most people dismiss them as such. Like that of a unicorn or Pegasus, as a people, we don't consider these things to be real. I feel as though labeling the entire belief system a myth is a bit demeaning because of that fact. There are many polytheistic religions in the world, even still. Even so, Greek gods and goddesses seem to be the only ones that have been unanimously written off as fictional. Why have Greek beliefs been labeled mythological and not Christian or Catholic faiths? Perhaps it is because no major population still fallows these beliefs, but why should we if we've been tout it is a myth. Even so, when a creature goes extinct it is not thereon deemed a myth. No person needs to be asked if  they believe in dinosaurs. So why treat a peoples' belief any different than the people themselves? What do you think will happen to happen to our memory when we are extinct? Will we leave behind a myth or a legacy?

Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Writers and the Scientists

There is a very interesting moment in the memoir that captures Miller's world view. Look at pp. 90-91 again, the scene where Miller and his friend Lawrence Durrell go to an observatory in Athens. The view of the heavens means something entirely different to the authors than it does to the scientists, doesn't it? What do you make of Miller as a person when he says, "Speaking for myself, facts and figures have always left me unimpressed." Is this a person who is unimpressed or uninterested in the world? Remember: this is the guy who is so effusive over the Greeks invention of the alphabet (p. 107). If he's not interested in "facts and figures," what is he interested in? I think this raises interesting questions about why the book is the way it is. How would this book be different if it were written by a travel guide? An historian? A scientist? What is Miller and why is his viewpoint different? What are your own attitudes toward "facts and figures"?

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Question # 4

Is it obligated to use research from the internet in our essay? Or is it ok to only use the interview on our essay? Confused :/

Class in The Library

That class was very helpful. Because she help me understand how easy it is to find information on the internet. Usually before I find really good information; I have really look; it would take hours but now with her help I can do it in just a little time.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Question about the group crits on 2/25

So the first draft of the second assignment is due on Wednesday for the group critique, I was wondering if we still need to bring four copies of the draft like we did last time?


I'm not exactly sure where to start with assignment. I'm not sure how you want us to go about combining career field research and our personal experience about QCC. What would be the thesis in this assignment? What are we writing? I'm aware that we have to write about how we ended up at QCC and our major, but how does the in depth research of our field fit into the assignment?

class in the library

After having the class in the library, I learned that there are actually a variety of different ways to site things from different sources. Before learning about the different ways there are to site things and how to site them, I didn't really understand or care much to site things. However, after having the class in the library I finally understood why we site things and how important it is that we do. I now think I feel confident enough to site things on my own without having to type them into a website and not being 100% sure if the way they sited it is actually correct.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

yesterday class

After yesterday class in the library I feel confident about writing my essay because I understand what the professor now wants to see in our essay. Before yesterday I honestly had no idea how to properly mention or provide where I got my information from. The librarian also taught me how I can find the right information which was very helpful  cause I always have problems with finding the right information.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The colossus of maroussi

"On one side are stones and shrubs which stand out with microscopic clarity; on the other are trees such as one sees in Japanese prints, trees flooded with light, intoxicated, coryphanic which much have been planted by the gods in moments of drunken exaltation". Although a lot of millers references and descriptions have left me kind of confused, I really enjoyed this one! The way he described the trees as something you see in Japanese prints really helped me pictured where he was and all he was seeing around him at that moment  

Monday, February 16, 2015

Perspective of the Happening

As the the book progresses, Miller often refers to seemingly negative circumstances as something he is happy to witness..
I think he feels this way, not because he is happy about the negative state of the environment around him, but because he is glad to see the world in its raw state. I believe he feels that the negative aspects of the world prove the authenticity of the happening events.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Question # 3

"I am glad i arrived in Athens during that incredible heat wave, glad i saw it under the worse conditions. I felt the naked strength of the people, their purity, their nobility, their resignation". Why do you guys think he fell this way why is he happy and think this way? on page 12

Question # 2

"I asked them if they had heard of the millions who were unemployed in america. They ignored the question" Why would the people Henry Miller was talking to in page 8 ignore that question? Any opinion in this?

Katsimbalis, Miller, and Epidaurus

Look at pp. 34-36 again. Miller describes his new friend, Katsimbalis, here, describes him as a colossus, thus giving the book its title. What is the significance of his friend? How does he embody the Greek spirit according to Miller?

Now look at 67-74 again. After the two of them spend the night in an unheated hotel (b/c they're the only guests), they take a trip to Epidaurus, the ancient theater there their destination: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epidaurus#mediaviewer/File:07Epidaurus_Theater05.jpg In this section, as he does elsewhere, Miller riffs on an idea (riffing is something that jazz musicians do--they take a melody or theme and repeat it w/ variations; this is improvisation), here it's about peace. How does Epidaurus equal peace according to Miller? What is the importance of peace?

Friday, February 13, 2015

The Colossus of Maroussi

While reading this book by Henry miller, it had me thinking of a couple things. Henry miller mentions that life without money is impossible, and how in order for Americans to be happy they had to have clothes, a good home, and things that were more of want rather than a need. However, Henry miller discussed that he was completley happy without any of those things. So my question to you is, do you need any of those things that Henry miller discussed to be happy?

Another part of the text that caught my attention was, where Henry miller started to have an obsession of a glass of water and how everywhere he saw that glass of water. He also stated that he began to think of water as a new vital element of life. Why do you think that Henry miller began to have an obsession with the glass of water? What do you think the glass of water can symbolize? 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Self Realization via Henry Miller

One thing I immediately noticed about Henry Miller during my reading is his style of writing. The structure of his writing reminds me of my own writing. I get the impression that he writes simply to get his point across. He doesn't seem to have any goals in terms of specific literary achievement. (Not to say that as a bat thing, but simply an observation that is primary goal seems to be expressing his points and thoughts.) I also noticed that the manner in which he describes things is very unique. Its almost as though he expects his audience to know exactly what his metaphorical descriptions refer to. I believe that he perhaps did not fully understand that not everyone would be able to assume his mindset, and there for would not understand his way of speaking. For some, maybe he included enough information to infer, but it does not seem like an easy writing style to comprehend.

Noticing these things about Miller made me see that not everyone is able to properly interpret what my mindset might have been at the time of my writing and therefore would not understand the message the way I would have liked them to. Better describing the interpretation  that I would like my readers to have and leaving less room for guessing is something that I need to work on in my own texts.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Assignment 1

I really liked some of the comments my group wrote. It makes me feel good about my paper that i am writing. Also Jt the cover letter has a good of good ideas that helping me finish this essay. I hope you guys is having a good time writing your essays.
Question About Assignment #2

Does anyone know how to get to the page on the qcc website that has the teachers emails? Also does anyone suggest a teacher that i can interview in the graphic design field since i dont know any of the teachers in that field?

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The Colossus of Maroussi

Henry Miller mentioned that machines and good things meant nothing to him, because he could live happily without that. Personally, I feel dependent to certain things he mentioned, for example, the dream to have a good home or a car would make me happy, but I still believe that kind of happiness is not as much as the happiness of knowing that you have someone beloved to share those dreams with.
However, I connected that idea to where he talked about eliminating newspapers and where he believes the world needs peace and solitude and idleness, in addition that we could learn how to live without material things. In these days; How do you feel about what Henry Thought? Do you ever feel you do not need those "things"?

Griselda V

Colossus of maroussi

When the author mentions "the angry & swollen sea. I feel like he was describing the emotions of the people who were left behind & his. I say this because he clearly stated the fact that it angered him that the people of wealth acted like the war was not their concern and they just up and left and left the people who were poor. So when he say the angry sea he is stating how he feels about the situation but when he says the swollen sea he can be describing how the people eyes were from crying.

Paintings From Class

In class we were trying to interpret what message each painting was giving to each of us. That exercise helped me to fully understand paintings that having a certain meaning towards it, instead of just thinking "oh that's a nice picture". This will definitely help me when I go to the metropolitan museum for an assignment for my other class.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Getting to know my classmates

Hi everyone, just an idea that popped to my head. Wanted to get to know who you are so i would like to know the following: Whats your favorite book? Favorite movie? Favorite actor? What do you like to do on you free time? and anything y'all want to add. if you don't like the idea its ok. hope we all participate and get to know each other even the profesor.

And if you have Instagram don't be shy to leave it or add me @t   mikeangel0724 :)

The paintings

Today in class we had a huge discussions on three different paintings. The paints include
Claude Monet, Starry Night-Van Gogh, and Renoir. These great painting are painted by all famous painters with a great unique meanings behind them. The paintings differ in many ways because it was painted from different perspective of each painters. The painter clearly uses different techniques and tools to create this beautiful art work. Also, they have a hidden message behind them. Paintings are just like a piece of writing because they all have a meaning and story to tell. It is slightly harder to get a "right" message form a painting because it isn't obvious like a written text, you might have to use imginations and your point of view to fully understand. Then again, paintings can be interpret in many ways as a person view it and relate it to themselves. Overall, it takes a great deal of interpretation and some critical judgement.  

I really like this kind of activity. I feel like it gets our brain thinking on a early monday morning and get the whole class to be engaged on a topic.  

Kimberly S.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Colossus of Maroussi

As you start to read Henry Miller's travel book, think about what Greece in the 1930s seems like as described by Miller. What kind of place is this? Also, what do you make of him as a person, as a narrator? Feel free to use this space to ask any questions that the narrative poses for you. 

Henry Miller became a famous writer. When he visited Greece, he had published four books, but few knew his books because they were banned in the US and UK (and he wasn't very rich). What kind of person does he seem like to you? 

Introducing the OWL

This week I'd like you to explore the Writing Process segment of the OWL:


These sections break down what an essay should do. I've noticed--in the Writing About Writing activity you did on the first day and also the draft for Assignment #1--that most of you already understand many aspects of how to write an essay, but few of you understand all aspects and you could use some time on the OWL. For instance, regarding paragraphs:


Notice how the first sentences (at the bottom of this page) of ea. paragraph reference the thesis of the essay, but that ea. is a bit different from the other. Paragraphs help your readers to be aware that you're shifting to a new portion of your overall topic and they're vitally important for both helping your reader wade through a complex issue, but also important for helping you organize your essay. Like Sherman Alexie says in the essay I posted, paragraphs are like fences for words.

Also, check out transitioning: http://owl.excelsior.edu/posts/view/199, particularly the graph that shows different transition words (but, or, however, etc.)

Spend some time with the other sections too--particularly audience awareness, conclusions, and revising. I think you'll find them very helpful.


Can some one tell me where can i buy the books?
hey, does anyone know what is the home work or class assignment for next class?

Saturday, February 7, 2015

hey, does anyone know what is the home work or class assignment for next class?

Thursday, February 5, 2015

So yesterday in class we had to do the group critiques. Which I found pretty helpful I received a lot of constructive criticism that i believe helped me out a lot. People seemed interested with my story which is also a plus. But I feel like this activity helped me finish my essay faster than what I would have if I didn't have anyone read it.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Superman and Me

 Hi all:

I thought you might be interested in the following literacy narrative by Sherman Alexie:

http://articles.latimes.com/1998/apr/19/books/bk-42979 (note: this is only the first page; you have to click the “Next” icon at the bottom of the page). 

If you want to read and respond to this essay on the blog this week, I will give you extra credit. As a start, you might consider the question: What makes this a literacy narrative? What do you think Alexie means in the penultimate paragraph when he says, "I was smart. I was arrogant. I was lucky." Why write that in three sentences instead of as one: "I was smart, arrogant, and lucky." How did reading save his life? In his last sentence, he writes "I am trying to save our lives." (emphasis mine) Earlier he says My life. Why repeat himself? Who is the "our"?

If you see some other aspect of the essay that strikes you as interesting, my all means bring it up.

Friday, January 30, 2015


Hi all:

For this first week+ on the blog, I'd like you to respond to the syllabus and ask any questions you might have about it or the class. Feel free to share anything about yourself that you'd like and feel free to respond to your classmates' comments too (you get credit for posts AND responses to classmates' or my posts). Starting the week of 2/08, you will be required to make AT LEAST two entries per week on the reading and other class matters (we will be starting Henry Miller's The Colossus of Maroussi that week).

Here's to a good start to our semester!

