Welcome to the blog for Prof. John Talbird's English 101 class. The purpose of this site is two-fold: 1) to continue the conversations we start in class (or to start those conversations BEFORE we get to class) and 2) to practice our writing/reading on a weekly basis in an informal forum.
Monday, May 18, 2015
Last Day
Saturday, May 16, 2015
The Bosnia List
Thursday, May 14, 2015
No Mans Land
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Today's class
The 5/13/15 class (Tomorrow's class)
Movie in Class
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
leaving class
I think I messed something up.
"The Testing Standard
Monday, May 11, 2015
Bosnia List Reading
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Kenan Trebincevic
class reading
Question for class tomorrow
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Finishing Up
Also, you should post about the class readings on Wed. What readings did you like best? How did you like reading your own work?
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Kenan's presentation
today's class
Monday, May 4, 2015
One Man's Land
Sunday, May 3, 2015
May 13 assignment
No Man's Land and finishing up w/ The Bosnia List
This is a war story instead of, like The Bosnia List, a family story. How are the two sides--the Bosnians and the Serbs presented? How does Tanovic explain the conflict to his audience, people elsewhere in the world who may not understand the intricacies of the war? What is the role of the news reporter in this story? The UN troops? The United Nations troops w/ the blue helmets were "observers" in the conflict and weren't supposed to take sides. What does Tanovic seem to be saying about neutrality? What did you make of the conclusion of the film? How might you compare that scene to the scene that Kenan has with Petra's daughter and grandson in her apartment in Ch. 12 of The Bosnia List.
This film is a satire and an anti-war film. Satire uses humor to make fun of real-world events. It shows us how certain events/attitudes in the world are absurd. How is satire used in this film? What is the message (or messages)? What does the film seem to be saying about this war and war in general? Does it have anything to say about Serbia or ethnic cleansing?
Saturday, May 2, 2015
The Bosnia List
In chapter 10 what Kenan discussed this is not just with him only but sometimes we face too.
Bosnia list
After coming too quite the end of the bosnia list, I realized I enjoyed this book much more then the book by henry miller. This book is easier to follow along with because it has a plot. The thoughts seemed to be very organized, then just thrown on the paper. Compared to henry millers book, where there didn't seem too have much of a plot. Henry millers thoughts didn't seem to be organized too well, too me it seemed like whatever kind of hit him at the time that's what he wrote down. There was no smooth transition like the bosnia list has.
Bosnia list
After reading chapter 10, when Kenan was trying too get to know his cousins I was honestly touched. He was trying to catch up for the nine years that he had missed. I found it so adorable when kenan was shopping with his cousin for coats and boots so she can be kept warm in the very cold conditions in bosnia.
However, I also like kenans perspective on how his life would have been different if he had went with Amela. I like how he explained that his brother eldin could have been a solider and how things could have been really different then how his life is now.
Friday, May 1, 2015
the Bosnia list chapter 9
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
I'd like some help with assignment 4
I'm going to give the description from my essay I give standardized testing to give you an idea of what it is. I'd also like to know if you guys think if its a good description or not.
Monday, April 27, 2015
Finishing up w/ The Bosnia List
It seems that his mother really connected to Schindler's List. I wonder if any films have come out since the Yugoslavian civil war which he feels do justice to his people's suffering.
The family photographs take on a resonant symbolism in the memoir, especially b/c of the images in the middle of the book. I wonder what he thinks the significance and importance of photos are for him.
Sports, health and athleticism have played important parts in his book and also in his life. I'd like to hear him talk about what he thinks the importance of sports are both personally and nationally.
What do you think about these questions? What questions would you like to ask him?
due date for the last assignment
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Geoup critics
assignment 4
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Today's class critique on assign. 4
Class Work
Monday, April 20, 2015
assignment 4
Sunday, April 19, 2015
The Bosnia List- Kena's Vengeance
The Bosnia List: Going Back
Bosnia list
Saturday, April 18, 2015
The Bosnia List: ch. 6
Friday, April 17, 2015
Topics of discussion
The Bosnia List Ch.5
Thursday, April 9, 2015
President Obama in Jamaica
question regarding the sylibious
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
School bullying
In your opinion, do you think bullying should be prohibit in NYC public schools? And why teachers, principals, and faculty staffs don't help the students due to bullying?
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Assignment 3 grades
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Bias in Reporting and Making an Argument
For your convenience, here are the three articles:
Sick of this bi-polar weather !
Thursday, March 26, 2015
The Bosnia list
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Assignment 3
The Bosnia List Kenan ' s mother
Sunday, March 22, 2015
The Bosnia List
Friday, March 20, 2015
The Bosnia List
Assignment #2
For the rewrites i was wondering if i can rewrite assignment #2 and bring it to you on Monday.
Thursday, March 19, 2015
The bosnia List
After reading chapter two, I honestly think that Kenan should take his father back to Bosnia. He's very ill and he just wants to go back to visit his fathers grave and visit some of his family back home. I think that Kenan should put his thoughts about Bosnia and the war behind him and just do one thing that his father wants to do before he passes away.
New Challenge!!! - Make a small poem.
Hear is my contribution:
"This class is alright,
All my peers are bright,
Yet the teacher gives topics I fight."
(*the poems don't need to be small)
(*you can make more then one if you want)
Have Fun!
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Group Critics
Sunday, March 15, 2015
The Bosnia List
- Why is it significant that the Serb flag has four S's which stand for "Only Unity Saves the Serbs" (28)?
- What does the word "nationalism" mean to you and have you ever seen it in action?
- Why is it significant when the soldier asks Kenan if he's Bosnian, Yugoslavian, or Muslim?
- How is Kenan different from his Serb or Croat classmates and neighbors?
The bosnia list
After reading the prologue and chapter 1 of the bosnia list this book has already caught my attention. I happen to like this book better than the book by henry miller. This book has a plot compared to the book by henry miller that didn't have too much of a plot. So far so good with the Bosnia list, and I can't wait to read more and finds out what happens.
Henry & June
From watching the movie Henry and June and reading the book written by henry miller I feel that the henry miller I had envisoned in the book was similar to the henry in the movie. The henry miller In the book and the henry miller in the movie both had similar perspectives on how they viewed the world. However, I never envisoned henry miller as a very angry and violent person as he was in the movie.
In the movie henry and June my perspective changed of Anais throughout the movie. In the beginning of the movie I viewed her as a very innocent person. However, that quickly changed after she met henry miller. After Anais met henry miller she became very sexually involved. She didn't only become sexually involved with one person, but she had multiple partners. Almost in a way she used sex to manipulate people to get what she wanted and desired most.
Friday, March 13, 2015
Henry and June
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Homosexuality- Then, Now, and in the Ancient Past
Essay report
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Henry and June
Kenan Trebincevic
This essay about a dog was recently in the NY Times. It's written by the author of The Bosnia List, our next reading. Check it out:
Monday, March 9, 2015
Henry & June
What do you guys think?
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Brassai and Miller
Do you recognize any of these photos from the film? What is the purpose of recreating these still images for a film which is composed of moving images?
Also, how does Henry & June capture the voice of Henry Miller, the writer, the person we've been spending the last few weeks with in The Colossus of Maroussi? How does Fred Ward's depiction of Miller live up to or contradict your idea of Miller the author?
Friday, March 6, 2015
Random Question
Thursday, March 5, 2015
help me out
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Keeping Up
Just a short request, i was absent for class today and we had to bring our draft for the group critique. I would really appreciated if everyone of you guys could give me a quick sentence on What did i miss today? What was the class about? Is there anything new to bring in or something? anything you guys think i should know from todays class i would appreciated if you guys help me to keep up. Thanks
today's group critique
Group Critiques
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Occupational Website
Works Cited Page
Question about Assignment #2
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Henry Miller and Katsimbalis
He tells a story to her about Agamemnon (remember last class: Miller went to that tomb w/ Katsimbalis) who gave birth to two sons, Epaminondas and Louis the Armstrong (121). Agamemnon never existed; he was a king in Greek legend. Epaminondas did exist; he was a Greek general. So did Louis Armstrong, though he was not Greek, but American, an African American trumpet player who is considered one of the godfather's of jazz. Check him out:
What does Louis Armstrong have to do w/ this Ancient Greek history and myth? How does Miller use the term "riff" (121) or "jam" (123)? What is "the golden torque"? What is the "Dipsy-Doodle"?
Friday, February 27, 2015
Critiquing assistance?
I've been really sick the past few days, and I missed the group critiques for assignment two. I'm posting some of my draft here; would a few of you critique it for me? I'd appreciate it.
" Since I was about eight or nine years old, I knew that I wanted to be a forensic scientist. Although at the time I wasn’t too familiar with that title; so I called them the “Law and Order people”, but I knew what I meant. All throughout middle school my focus shifted to and from all kinds of different careers, for silly reasons. By the end of the movie Go Figure I was certain that I would become a figure skater, but after some serious child-pondering, I found myself wanting to be a forensic scientist again. For a while, in seventh grade, I told people I wanted to be an interior designer so nobody would make fun of me for being a dork. My best friend wanted to be an interior designer, which is where I got the idea, but in truth; I found it to be the most uninteresting job that I'd ever of. Though I did so in secret, I still planned to be a foensic scientist.
When I was in eleventh grade my chemistry teacher, Mr. Nicotri, tout a forensic science class for credit recovery. The class was part of a program in our school, called City Kids, that I wasn't in. I don't remember how I found out about the class but I remember going immediately to the woman every student called, "the City Kids lady". I asked, and she made it pretty clear she had no intentions of letting me in the class. Not only was I not wasn't I in the program, but I didn't have any missing credits to
recover, which was the point of the class. Even still, I kept asking for the class. She always said no and I always kept asking. She even tried to change my mind by telling me it was an after school and Saturday class, but still I asked for it. Eventuality she told me she would put me in the class simply because I was the only person that had ever begged her for a Saturday class.
For the next six weeks I was the happiest kid ever. Even while trudging from mid-yonkers to Wall Street every Saturday morning. I knew for sure then that I'd love a career as a forensic scientist, but that didn't stop m my mind from wondering.
Toward the end of senior year in high school I fell in love with writing. I thought of becoming a writer for all of a few hours before I realized that it was not for me. The emotional state I needed to be in to produce a praise worthy piece of writing , wasn't one I wanted to be in all the time. Thus, I decided my writing would be only a hobby, and yet again my attention had returned to forensic science. "
Thanks for reafing guys :)
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Monday Someone Mention Crusades 2/23/2015
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Monday, February 23, 2015
For anyone struggling..
I was struggling with assignment #2 at first, and a few other people said they were too. If anyone else is still struggling with it I think this might help..
The timeline we had to write today in class helps a lot. It's literally a personalized list of exactly what needs to be in our paper. Actually writing out the timeline also helps you see exactly where your research and your interview becomes relevant. This is what I did:
Write an initial timeline. Then, for each event you wrote on your timeline, write one or two sentences about what you're referring to and how it's relevant to the assignment. Let that be your outline.
Then develop your sentences into paragraphs and string them all together. This would be your draft. Then after group critiques and proofreading, you can develop your final.
This is what I'm doing and it makes the assignment seem easier to me.
Hope it helps guys.
Myth or Legacy?
Although the literal meaning of myth is not false or untrue, most people dismiss them as such. Like that of a unicorn or Pegasus, as a people, we don't consider these things to be real. I feel as though labeling the entire belief system a myth is a bit demeaning because of that fact. There are many polytheistic religions in the world, even still. Even so, Greek gods and goddesses seem to be the only ones that have been unanimously written off as fictional. Why have Greek beliefs been labeled mythological and not Christian or Catholic faiths? Perhaps it is because no major population still fallows these beliefs, but why should we if we've been tout it is a myth. Even so, when a creature goes extinct it is not thereon deemed a myth. No person needs to be asked if they believe in dinosaurs. So why treat a peoples' belief any different than the people themselves? What do you think will happen to happen to our memory when we are extinct? Will we leave behind a myth or a legacy?
Sunday, February 22, 2015
The Writers and the Scientists
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Question # 4
Class in The Library
Friday, February 20, 2015
Question about the group crits on 2/25
I'm not exactly sure where to start with assignment. I'm not sure how you want us to go about combining career field research and our personal experience about QCC. What would be the thesis in this assignment? What are we writing? I'm aware that we have to write about how we ended up at QCC and our major, but how does the in depth research of our field fit into the assignment?
class in the library
After having the class in the library, I learned that there are actually a variety of different ways to site things from different sources. Before learning about the different ways there are to site things and how to site them, I didn't really understand or care much to site things. However, after having the class in the library I finally understood why we site things and how important it is that we do. I now think I feel confident enough to site things on my own without having to type them into a website and not being 100% sure if the way they sited it is actually correct.
Thursday, February 19, 2015
yesterday class
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
The colossus of maroussi
Monday, February 16, 2015
Perspective of the Happening
As the the book progresses, Miller often refers to seemingly negative circumstances as something he is happy to witness..
I think he feels this way, not because he is happy about the negative state of the environment around him, but because he is glad to see the world in its raw state. I believe he feels that the negative aspects of the world prove the authenticity of the happening events.
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Question # 3
Question # 2
Katsimbalis, Miller, and Epidaurus
Now look at 67-74 again. After the two of them spend the night in an unheated hotel (b/c they're the only guests), they take a trip to Epidaurus, the ancient theater there their destination: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epidaurus#mediaviewer/File:07Epidaurus_Theater05.jpg In this section, as he does elsewhere, Miller riffs on an idea (riffing is something that jazz musicians do--they take a melody or theme and repeat it w/ variations; this is improvisation), here it's about peace. How does Epidaurus equal peace according to Miller? What is the importance of peace?
Friday, February 13, 2015
The Colossus of Maroussi
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Self Realization via Henry Miller
Noticing these things about Miller made me see that not everyone is able to properly interpret what my mindset might have been at the time of my writing and therefore would not understand the message the way I would have liked them to. Better describing the interpretation that I would like my readers to have and leaving less room for guessing is something that I need to work on in my own texts.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Assignment 1
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
The Colossus of Maroussi
However, I connected that idea to where he talked about eliminating newspapers and where he believes the world needs peace and solitude and idleness, in addition that we could learn how to live without material things. In these days; How do you feel about what Henry Thought? Do you ever feel you do not need those "things"?
Griselda V
Colossus of maroussi
Paintings From Class
Monday, February 9, 2015
Getting to know my classmates
And if you have Instagram don't be shy to leave it or add me @t mikeangel0724 :)
The paintings
Sunday, February 8, 2015
The Colossus of Maroussi
Introducing the OWL
These sections break down what an essay should do. I've noticed--in the Writing About Writing activity you did on the first day and also the draft for Assignment #1--that most of you already understand many aspects of how to write an essay, but few of you understand all aspects and you could use some time on the OWL. For instance, regarding paragraphs:
Notice how the first sentences (at the bottom of this page) of ea. paragraph reference the thesis of the essay, but that ea. is a bit different from the other. Paragraphs help your readers to be aware that you're shifting to a new portion of your overall topic and they're vitally important for both helping your reader wade through a complex issue, but also important for helping you organize your essay. Like Sherman Alexie says in the essay I posted, paragraphs are like fences for words.
Also, check out transitioning: http://owl.excelsior.edu/posts/view/199, particularly the graph that shows different transition words (but, or, however, etc.)
Spend some time with the other sections too--particularly audience awareness, conclusions, and revising. I think you'll find them very helpful.
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Monday, February 2, 2015
Superman and Me
Friday, January 30, 2015
For this first week+ on the blog, I'd like you to respond to the syllabus and ask any questions you might have about it or the class. Feel free to share anything about yourself that you'd like and feel free to respond to your classmates' comments too (you get credit for posts AND responses to classmates' or my posts). Starting the week of 2/08, you will be required to make AT LEAST two entries per week on the reading and other class matters (we will be starting Henry Miller's The Colossus of Maroussi that week).
Here's to a good start to our semester!