Welcome to the blog for Prof. John Talbird's English 101 class. The purpose of this site is two-fold: 1) to continue the conversations we start in class (or to start those conversations BEFORE we get to class) and 2) to practice our writing/reading on a weekly basis in an informal forum.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Finishing up w/ The Bosnia List

Since Kenan Trebincevic is speaking here next week (at the HRC, 3 pm sharp), I'd like us to think about possible questions we might ask him about his book and his experience. We'll spend some time on Monday brainstorming this too. A couple that I have:

It seems that his mother really connected to Schindler's List. I wonder if any films have come out since the Yugoslavian civil war which he feels do justice to his people's suffering.

The family photographs take on a resonant symbolism in the memoir, especially b/c of the images in the middle of the book. I wonder what he thinks the significance and importance of photos are for him.

Sports, health and athleticism have played important parts in his book and also in his life. I'd like to hear him talk about what he thinks the importance of sports are both personally and nationally.

What do you think about these questions? What questions would you like to ask him?


  1. I think these are really good questions for Kenan and will have interesting answers. I think I would ask him if he would ever want to move back to Bosnia or have a summer home there.

  2. I would definitely ask Kenan the question that I wrote in class which is 'If your mother finished the book how different do you think it would have been'? I felt this was an important question because Kenan seems like a very observant and meticulous person and would probably know exactly how his mother would have felt towards everyone including the people that helped them. I thought of this question because Kenan's mom seems like such a kindhearted person and it would be interesting to see how he thinks his mother would write about everything that happened to them.


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