Welcome to the blog for Prof. John Talbird's English 101 class. The purpose of this site is two-fold: 1) to continue the conversations we start in class (or to start those conversations BEFORE we get to class) and 2) to practice our writing/reading on a weekly basis in an informal forum.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


I like how we starred creating possible questions for the interview. I've never done an interview so i don't really know how to organize my self. i starred watching videos on the internet and i think it helped a bit. I'm a lil bit scared and exited at the time about the interview. part of that is because I'm already comfortable with my psychology teacher but also he know what type of student i am and he knows what to expect. Good luck to all on that. Feel free to talk about your interview planing process maybe it could help me. HELP! lmao


  1. i still haven't interviewed my professor because i was supposed to interview her today but she was sick and left early so sadly i didn't get the chance

  2. I did my interview yesterday and i enjoy it because i lean a lot from my professor. She answered all the questions in details and explained very well how my career is related to Biology and how she got where she is today in her academic life. I have to say that was my 1st interview and it was a great experience.

  3. i actually E-mailed my professor all the questions i had. He answered my questions after one week but i wanted to have a face to face interview which is great! Since, he didn't have time that's why he said to e-mail him. so if you feel confuse to interview you might choose to E-mail your all the questions!

  4. I did not receive the email back from my professor and i reminded him a numerous amounts of times, and it's making me real upset because I'm practically done with my essay is the professor going to take points off for us not including the interview ?


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