Welcome to the blog for Prof. John Talbird's English 101 class. The purpose of this site is two-fold: 1) to continue the conversations we start in class (or to start those conversations BEFORE we get to class) and 2) to practice our writing/reading on a weekly basis in an informal forum.

Friday, February 20, 2015


I'm not exactly sure where to start with assignment. I'm not sure how you want us to go about combining career field research and our personal experience about QCC. What would be the thesis in this assignment? What are we writing? I'm aware that we have to write about how we ended up at QCC and our major, but how does the in depth research of our field fit into the assignment?


  1. I think he want us to write about our recent past, the present, and the future. Basically you can start writing about your life before attending QCC and how you decided to come to QCC. For example, you can write about High school experiences and how different it was from college or you can write about how you didn't get to the school you wanted to so you decided to spend year here or etc... Then you can write about what you want to gain from studying here at QCC. For example you want to get an associate degree, meet some new friends, make new connections, learn more about things you didn't get a chance to learn at high school, etc... Then he want us to write about the future, what you see yourself doing as a career after you leave QCC. You will be writing about the field that interests you. For example, I want to be a nurse, so in 5 years from now I see myself as a nurse at a hospital. While writing this part, he want us to backup our research with 2 sources, one from an interview of a professor at QCC and one from an Article, Newspapers, Books, Web page, Magazine, etc.. Also, don't forget to cite the sources at the end. I hope this help.

    1. That makes a little more sense to me. I wasn't sure where the interview really fit in, but I have an idea now. I can use my interview responses to support my reasoning for choosing the feild I chose (forensic science) or as an example of where I'd like to be in the future.
      Thanks Kimberly.

    2. Well it seems like you guys have it all planed. I'm still struggling but reading y'all ideas make me feel a little more comfortable and less lost. Thanks

  2. I thought I was the only one who had a problem or was struggling. I'm kind of all over the place with this assignment. I'm finding it hard to fit everything in without being to boring and it's confusing me because it's like a research essay and a essay about myself in one which is hard to write about containing enough information about both.

  3. I was all over the place as well, but the timeline from class today helped a lot. It can actually help you see exactly where your research and your interview becomes relevant.


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