Welcome to the blog for Prof. John Talbird's English 101 class. The purpose of this site is two-fold: 1) to continue the conversations we start in class (or to start those conversations BEFORE we get to class) and 2) to practice our writing/reading on a weekly basis in an informal forum.

Friday, April 17, 2015

The Bosnia List Ch.5

In the Bosnia List ch. 5 pp (115-129) I really liked the chapter where he mentioned the scary story with Daca and her husband Boban. His total family was afraid of this situation and they were thinking that, this is that last time of there life. Kenan and his mom really played an important role on this situation to calm down the blond lady, which brought the chance to get candy for him and coffee for his mom. Even though, there valuable belongings were stolen by her so quietly but she kept them safe. I can imagine how terrible was there situation when they did not have electricity, running water, and enough food, as well as could not get a chance to hang outside but after long time they got to eat something and drink coffee. Although, there properties were being stolen but anyway they would had to lose it beacuse they would not live there.      


  1. I agree. It was terrible how Daca would claim all of Keenan's family's belongings, but at least she spared their lives and didn't physically harm them. Also, you could tell that Daca really liked Keenan because he reminded her of her own son.

  2. I also agree with everything you say and I also found it interesting how mature Kenan is at such a young age, for example, when he found out that the candy that Daca would give him was from boxes that she would steal from conveneint stores and houses he said he never wanted to eat another piece of candy from her. Even with the war going on and all of these things happening he still has morals.

  3. But Kenan fantasizes about killing Daca and has an opportunity not once, but twice. What do you think this says about their relationship?

  4. But Kenan fantasizes about killing Daca and has an opportunity not once, but twice. What do you think this says about their relationship?


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