Welcome to the blog for Prof. John Talbird's English 101 class. The purpose of this site is two-fold: 1) to continue the conversations we start in class (or to start those conversations BEFORE we get to class) and 2) to practice our writing/reading on a weekly basis in an informal forum.

Friday, January 30, 2015


Hi all:

For this first week+ on the blog, I'd like you to respond to the syllabus and ask any questions you might have about it or the class. Feel free to share anything about yourself that you'd like and feel free to respond to your classmates' comments too (you get credit for posts AND responses to classmates' or my posts). Starting the week of 2/08, you will be required to make AT LEAST two entries per week on the reading and other class matters (we will be starting Henry Miller's The Colossus of Maroussi that week).

Here's to a good start to our semester!




  1. Would anyone happen to know the meaning of dichotomy?.
    What do you guys think about Excelsior Owl?.
    Has anyone purchased Henry Miller's, The Colossus of Maroussi?.

    1. Purchased both books on amazon Wednesday night and they got here today! Both books where around $11, incase you would rather get them on amazon then the book store.

    2. well for the meaning for dichotomy, I remember in class it was defined as two things, or ideas (as the "DI" in dichotomy) that are divided. I'm also planning on buying both books for English class this weekend.

    3. I found book Sample on Google Play. Does anyone know if I can use that or do i have to buy a hard copy.

    4. Nareefa: You don't have to have a hard copy, but you DO have to read the entire book, not just a sample.

    5. yeah i know that meaning is like going two way/duality. i didn't buy either books yet but i will buy as soon. Bye the do know any cheap way to buy those books?

    6. i rented both books at QCC book store for only 19 bucks you might as well just get them there and the books are used

  2. Does anyone know what the formal writing assignments and the group critiques are?

    1. From what I see, I think we will find that out in class, but I believe we will be writing essays from the Henry Miller book and each one of us will have feedback on them.

    2. Yes! We will find out in class--tomorrow!

  3. I'd rather buy the books on amazon but my question is do i have to buy both books or just either one I'm a little confused about that. Does anyone know that?

    1. Yes, you will need to buy both books, but we will be starting on "The Colossus of Maroussi" first. I got both of my books on amazon digitally and it only cost $18.

  4. question so looks like theres no h.w for monday

  5. Quite interesting book The Colossus of Maroussi... has intrigue reviews like "A work of divine madness and inimitable languaje" .

  6. Are all quizes going to be annoced in class? Or do the 4 formal writing assignments count as our quizes?

    1. Quizzes are "pop" which means that they will not be announced; they'll just happen. So do the reading.

    2. so according to Sherman we have to write an essay about his article for extra credit?? sorry i just didn't get that part do we have an option

  7. I've read the description for the book The Bosnia List and it reminded me of some previous books I've read and written essays for concerning social issues around the world. Just makes me interested in reading the book to see it's all about.

  8. iBooks also has the books required for this class, I just purchased both of them.

  9. After reading the syllabus I've decided to find creative ways around the the "Ban on Boredom" with my first posts, and the then make a second post that reflects my thoughts on what I've read.

    1. Hm. We'll see how "creative" you manage to be, Jack.

  10. In my opinion the syllabus has me excited for things to come in this class because i have never been a person that has liked reading or writing and it seems this class will definitely help me find that interest.

  11. Has any one started reading miller yet? I'm a little confused at the part when he's pulling into patras and he's talking about how happy he is then suddenly talking about killing himself


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