Hi everyone, just an idea that popped to my head. Wanted to get to know who you are so i would like to know the following: Whats your favorite book? Favorite movie? Favorite actor? What do you like to do on you free time? and anything y'all want to add. if you don't like the idea its ok. hope we all participate and get to know each other even the profesor.
And if you have Instagram don't be shy to leave it or add me @t mikeangel0724 :)
I applaud your endeavor to get to know your peers, however I don't think I am the best judge of character for myself. I act and talk differently depending on where I am, who I'm with, and how I'm communicating.
ReplyDeleteFor example in this post I have been using spellcheck and google to make sure I don't look like an idiot when I misspell something, but when I talk to my online friends through steam I make an effort to avoid complicated words for the same reason. Or when I talk in a classroom I tend have allot to say and try to be more philosophical with my comments, contrasting my behavior with friends where I'll be quiet and give only monotone grunts in replies.
In essence I'm don't think I know who I am, I only know the characters I play in my life.
Oh alright, well that seems like a smart thing to do it makes since in a way. On the other hand I think you should try to know who you are Jack because at the end of the day you have to know your self. I believe that you do know your self you just avoid to think about, but either way thanks for sharing 👍
DeleteThanks for asking this, Miguel. It's always hard for me to say what my fave film or book is, but I'll try. My favorite film of the moment might be Spike Lee's Do the Right Thing and my fave book, Nabokov's Lolita.
ReplyDeleteInteresting professor its also hard for me to pic so i guess ill do it from this time. My favorite movie is The Wedding Ringer, my favorite book would be Bridge to Therabithia my favorite actor is Will Smith and i play baseball on my free time.