Welcome to the blog for Prof. John Talbird's English 101 class. The purpose of this site is two-fold: 1) to continue the conversations we start in class (or to start those conversations BEFORE we get to class) and 2) to practice our writing/reading on a weekly basis in an informal forum.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Last Day

The last day of class was a new experience to me. I enjoyed listening to all you guys. it was nice to be in this class and i wish you all luck on the finals and on your future classes and college experience. Take care Y'all.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

The Bosnia List

For those of you who finished reading the book, my last question is what's your favorite part of The Bosnia List?. You can summarized or quote it, but you have to put the authors last name and the page. 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

No Mans Land

"No Mans Land" was everything but predictable, I thought both soldiers would unite to end the war and  the soldier who's body was place over the bomb would be set free and have the opportunity to reunite with the lady in the picture.I wish the movie ended differently because it was interesting until the soldiers decided to shoot at each other to death, that scene definitely spoiled the movie for me personally.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Today's class

Today everyone in class read out loud some things they wrote. I personally wrote a poem and so did some of my other classmates I have to say that a lot of you guys are really talented. Maybe the professor should try to include more poetry with his next EN 101 semesters. You never know who write poetry and who is really talented until you complete this last assignment. I enjoyed this assignment and really wish we could've did more assignments like this throughout the semester.

The 5/13/15 class (Tomorrow's class)

Im exited to see how our last day of class will turn on. I'm exited about sharing stories or essays in class and most important exited about the food. haha :D

Movie in Class

The other day we saw a movie in class and i left with something from it. i felt bad towards the man left behind. i feel like they should've done something else or in the worse case be with him until he dies. it was really sad seen the camera going up at the end and the mans still with the boom under him. just wanted to put my opinion up there. Any comments are welcome.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

leaving class

Leaving this class and finishing up this semester I am really confident In my writing and sharing it with others. I feel like I am growing in the English department. I now like helping others with papers I feel like I brought back my creative side that i once had. I also made a friend this semester which is strange to me because I'm not a open person I am shy and like sticking to myself but this class brought me out of this I don't know if It because we did group critiques or because we often have open class discussion. I don't know what to expect with EN 102 because I know every professor is different I actually wish you taught EN 102 you are like one of my favorite professors. What I think I should do differently is get out of my comfort zone when it comes to my writing.  Something I would've changed in this class was the books we read well the first book. I also feel like we should 've did more poetry or free writes in class.  Overall I really enjoyed this semester.